Humans really are creatures of emotion. Advances in technology make our lives faster, smoother, more convenient and ultimately – more enjoyable. We as a modern day society want our cake and we want it now. Even if it may not be good for us. Let’s take health....
First dates can be scary, entertaining, or unforgettable experiences. Part of the fun is that they can even be all three. Most people are quick to agree that a few awkward dates are more than worth an unforgettable one with the right person. When we find that feeling...
We’ve all met that woman who owned the room from the moment she set foot in the door. Who flitted from interaction to interaction and had men introducing themselves without any real effort on her part. Everywhere she went she made men feel comfortable while you...
As a dating and relationships coach, I deal every day with mistakes that get made in these areas. Some dating mistakes aren’t a big deal. There’s a lot of things you can do “wrong” that won’t end up costing you in the grand scheme. Then...
A great sex life – and being the woman of his dreams – starts well before you enter the bedroom. The mindsets you bring to sex determine not just how much your man enjoys sex with you, but more importantly – how he feels about sex with you. The better he feels...
As a coach for women, I’ve become well versed in the grievances many women have with today’s dating scene. One of the most prevalent relates to the overwhelming number of (for lack of a better term) ‘fuckboys’ – men who stuff you around and tell you what you...