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SELF ESTEEM Works Better FOR MEN (Than Women) When Attracting A Partner

SELF ESTEEM Works Better FOR MEN (Than Women) When Attracting A Partner

Self esteem is very important that it has a great impact on how we view ourselves, how we value ourselves, and consequently, how we receive and give love to others. In this video, I will be sharing with you the surprising results of the study on the impact of self-esteem on the probability to be in a relationship or single by choice for men and women respectively. Higher self-esteem means higher probability in men. However, it doesn’t have any effect on the probability in women. Is it good or bad? I’ll be sharing my insight with you on that in this video. I’ll also be sharing with you the 3 characteristics of men that greatly affects their self-esteem and the significance of each characteristic.

How To STOP Self Sabotaging Your Love Life

How To STOP Self Sabotaging Your Love Life

This video will help you identify your self-defeating behaviors and patterns, so you can break them and be able to have a happy and healthy relationship that you deserve.

How To Get Your Ex Back Without Games

How To Get Your Ex Back Without Games

If you’re wanting to get your man back, make your ex miss you, get your ex to fall in love with you again or rebuild your previous broken relationship into something healthy and real, this is the video you must watch.

Why He Chose HER Instead Of YOU

Why He Chose HER Instead Of YOU

Know the aspects that influence men when they pick their partner. It is essential to know these factors, so you can assess how you are in the relationship and if need be, make some adjustments to realign things towards lasting happiness and success with your (better) future man.

7 Things Guys Like In Bed The Most!

7 Things Guys Like In Bed The Most!

What do men love in the bedroom? From the saucy to surprising, fun to forbidden – these are 7 types of sex men LOVE to enjoy with you in the bedroom.

7 Standards To Look For In A Man

7 Standards To Look For In A Man

These are the traits that you should seek in a man before you settle in a relationship. These standards will ensure happiness, satisfaction, and success in your relationship.

What do you do when your boyfriend/partner asks for a break? It’s very simple. Just tell him this…

Help Your Partner Be Masculine

Help Your Partner Be Masculine

Many women come to me struggling with men or partners they wish would step into their masculinity. It’s a difficult problem to solve. In this video, I explain exactly how to make it happen without hurting his ego.

How To Be A Feminine Woman

How To Be A Feminine Woman

I sit down with famous coach EJ Love to discuss how women can better express their femininity around the most attractive men.

Master Modern Texting
Your free guide reveals 12 powerful texts that hit deep attraction switches in a man's mind.