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5 Behaviours Every Nice Girl Must STOP!
In this video, I discuss the 5 “Nice Girl Behaviors” that you should STOP doing. They are ultimately do you more harm than good. Stop self-sabotaging and let go of these habits. While being kind/a good person is admirable, it’s equally important that you are able to set strong, healthy boundaries and be prepared to enforce them. You also must be able to keep your independence and be able to make decisions without depending too much on your partner. You should know when to say yes and no. You should be able to balance your respect for yourself and your partner.
5 Things Men Want More Than Sex! ft. Toxic Alex | Mark Rosenfeld Dating Coach
oday, I’m going to review one of Alex’s (The Toxic Dating Coach a.k.a Mindful Attraction 2.0,) videos. He recently did a review of one my videos, and today, I’m returning the favor. I’ll be reviewing his video 5 Things Men Want More Than Sex. I’ll be giving my honest thoughts on his points, what I like and what I think can be improved.
Overall, I think it was a good video. I particularly like the second half of the video.
How To Overcome The Fear Of Being Hurt Again – Ask Mark #104
Welcome to Ask Mark! This is your monthly dating and relationship Q and A where I answer YOUR amazing subscriber questions – so make sure you’ve posted yours in the comments. You’ll find the questions listed below in the video description. Today’s focus question is from Lily Joseph. Lily asks, “How can I overcome the fear of being hurt again?” In this video, I’m going to be sharing my thoughts on that, the truth about relationships, getting hurt, and moving on.
6 Ways SHE Made Me Miss Her Long Distance | Mark Rosenfeld Dating Advice
In this video, I share with you effective tips to make your partner miss you if you’re miles away. These tips have proven effective to me and my partner, that’s why I’m sharing them to you, so you too can make your LDR work and not fall victim to the distance and the uncertainties the current pandemic has posed to our life and relationships. These are what you can do to keep the fire burning amidst the distance and uncertain next meeting.
Can’t Let Go Of Your Feelings For Him? Do THIS! | Mark Rosenfeld Dating Advice
How can I stop thinking about my ex? What can I do to move on? Whether it’s an ex you cannot get over, a love interest that’s not reciprocating, or a crush that’s ignoring you, it’s not easy to get people out of our minds. In this video, I will share with you the reasons why it’s hard to stop thinking about someone and what you can do to help yourself move on and train your brain to stop thinking about the person.
How To Be A Priority Not An Option (5 Steps) | Mark Rosenfeld Relationship Advice
In this video, I share with you the different scenarios of a man not stepping up in the relationship, the right way to deal with it, and the effective way to communicate your standards to him whether you’re in a long-term relationship or you’ve just started dating.
Men ALWAYS Respect And Understand Women Who Do THIS! | Mark Rosenfeld Dating Coach
In this video, I will help you identify the common mistake women make that make men hesitate to respect and be honest with you. I will tell you why it’s a mistake and how it can ruin relationships or even potential relationships. I will also share with you things you can do to guarantee men will always be respectful and truthful to you. This is very important information to have if you want to filter in the right men in your life and have better dating and relationship experience with men.
Why YOUR Man Put HIMSELF First! A Man’s Truth | Mark Rosenfeld Relationship Advice
Why do they always think of themselves first? What does it mean? Is there a way to correct this? In this video, I will share with you the reasons why men put themselves first or seem to think of themselves first. Knowing these reasons will enable you to understand your man better and what you can do to bridge the gap. You will learn very important tools you can use to course correct this, which will promote trust and deep connection between you and your man.
Did He Really Love You? How To Spot REAL LOVE 💖 | Mark Rosenfeld Dating Advice
What is love and what is possible in love? How do you know if you’ve experienced real love? Did he really love you? These are the questions we will answer in this video.
In this video, I share with you a checklist of what people normally experience in a relationship where there is real healthy love. Knowing what to expect will help you set proper expectations and set healthy standards to help you achieve real, healthy, lasting love.
Why Men Can’t Open Up Emotionally… Until You Do This! | Mark Rosenfeld Relationship Advice
Ever wonder why men don’t want to be vulnerable with you? How can you encourage men to show their emotions to you? These are the questions we will address in this video. We will discuss the scientific reasons why men seem cold or unwilling to show vulnerability not only to you, but to their peers as well. From this video, you will also learn what you can do to encourage your man to open up to you and trust you with his emotions.
How To Convince A Man He Can’t Live Without You | Mark Rosenfeld Dating Advice
Can you convince a man he can’t live without you? How do you make him believe you are the right one for him? What can you do to prove to him that you are The One? In this video, I share with you empowering mindsets to have that will help you see things in a balanced way. These mindsets help you appreciate his value but more importantly, appreciate yourself as a high value woman. Mastering these mindsets can help flip the situation and make him want to make you choose him instead of you trying hard to make him choose you.
Is The PLAYER Ready To COMMIT?!? 5 Ways To KNOW For Sure! Mark Rosenfeld Dating Advice
It is important to know if the man you’re with is ready to settle down so you don’t end up wasting months or even years of your time. In this video, I share with you the 5 sure signs a player is ready to settle! These are the sure signs he is ready to give up being a player. In this video, I also explain the logic behind the signs.
How To Get Over Your Ex OR Get Him Back ft. MY Breakup Story | Mark Rosenfeld Breakup Advice
If you’ve been rejected, or you’re going through a breakup or just had one, this video is for you. In this video, I teach you what you can do now as you’re going through the pain, to get over the pain or get your ex back. I share with you my personal journey to healing from a breakup by sharing the actual videos I recorded while I was going through the process. If you’re going through this, know that you’re not alone in this season of your life.
RUN From A Man Who Makes You Ask Yourself THIS Question – Mark Rosenfeld Relationship Advice
In this video, I share a short story about a client who came to me asking herself a question. A question that can be triggered by intimate relationship – a question that means it’s time to run for the hills… The moment this question creeps into your psyche, it’s time to GTFO. Why? Because if you’re asking your self that question, it means your partner is ‘training’ you to walk on eggshells. To behave a certain way. Essentially, to live in fear.
8 Secret Skills To Make Any Man Love And Respect You! | Mark Rosenfeld Relationship Advice
I share with you 8 things you can do to make room for men to step up in the relationship. This will raise your self-esteem, teach you how to embrace vulnerability, and help you open up yourself to your partner to promote trust and intimacy. Enjoy the video!
This Makes Any Man Treat You Well (Even If Men Haven’t Before)
Do you wonder why men seem to not treat you well? How can you make men treat you better? Will men ever treat you better? In this video, I will talk about how you can change this! I will share with you the one skill that you can master to inspire men to treat you better – to treat you the way you deserve! Master the art of receiving in this video!
YOUR Emotional Unavailability vs HIS NEEDINESS! 5 Ways To Tell The Difference
It’s not you, it’s me… Really? How do you know it’s you bringing the relationship down? How can you be sure it’s not him? In this video, I will help you recognize if it’s your emotional unavailability or his unhealthy neediness taking its toll on the relationship. You will learn the 5 differences between the two.
3 Mindsets 🧠 For When You Think A MAN Is Too Hot 🔥 For YOU! 🙅
In this video, I will give you 3 powerful mindsets shifts to help you stay confident when out on a date with a really hot guy. These will empower you and help you communicate with him on YOUR level. These are the mentalities you need to put both of you on the same playing field.
How To Make A Man APPRECIATE You 🙌(Including Long Distance 🌍) | Ask Mark #103
Today’s focus question is on making a man appreciate you (and communicate with you). There’s one question around long distance, and one regarding returning appreciation.
10 ATTRACTIVE Phone Habits!
These habits trigger his emotional desire for you. In this video, I share with you the 10 attractive phone habits that communicate confidence and healthy priorities. Adapt these habits now and see men react and communicate with you more favorably!
How To Touch A Guy – Ways Men Like To Be Touched
Touch plays a vital role in creating and maintaining attraction and intimacy in the relationship. It is also the love language of most men – two fun reasons to learn how to touch your man the right way and in the right place!