We all know photos are the name of the game, but it’s those very important 50 words of your bio that set the scene for the type of guys you’ll attract. For example, if you don’t write one, you’re telling the guys on Tinder that your looks represent you – and the responses you’ll get will match. After one or two straight up sexual remarks (unless that’s all you’re after), the app loses its appeal pretty quick.
So, how do you create a masterpiece that men want to hear about, makes you stand out from other women and attracts the right type of guys?
Let’s take a look.
1. Write A List About Yourself
First up, write a list about yourself, to help you narrow things down and get to the core of what you’re projecting. This can include things you get excited about, what you love to talk about, activities you enjoy, goals you want to kick and what you love to do on a daily basis.
Remember to stay totally honest. Don’t write things down just because you think they’ll sound exciting to a wide range of guys. Sure, maybe skydiving is a cool goal, but if yours is to landscape a garden, who’s to say that’s not just as exciting to someone out there? Aim for about 15 or 20 authentic details about you and your life, and you’re ready to start crafting your bio.
2. Be specific

Express your uniqueness
Now that you’ve got a list with everything about you highlighted, it should be easy to be specific. This is so important, but it’s a step many people miss on Tinder, mainly because you don’t have many words to work with. For example, profiles with these standard gems put you immediately in the ‘general’ category:
- Down to earth
- Love travel
- Love laughing with friends
- Like a good movie
These types of profiles are absolutely useless, because they could practically apply to any woman. They tell guys nothing specific about you, which means you won’t stand out from the last photo someone flicked by. You want to offer unique insights into you that catch attention. So, if you really are a movie buff, instead of ‘like a good movie’, write, ‘massive Star Wars fan’.
3. Know What You’re Looking For
So you’ve narrowed down your own unique interests and figured out what you’d like to say about yourself. But, do you know what you’re looking for, in a guy? The beauty of Tinder or any other online dating profiles, is that you get to ask for what you want, so make sure you use it!
“The more you’re able to narrow down what you really want, the more chances you’ll have of meeting just the right type of guys on Tinder.”
Again, write a list of all the attributes you love in a guy. Maybe you like guys who are keen on fitness, love to surf or go camping on the weekends. Or, perhaps you want to meet someone who’s driven and ambitious towards their career. Kindness and generosity might top your list, or an amateur comedian could float your boat more than most.
Just like the details about yourself, be specific. The more you’re able to narrow down what you really want, the more chances you’ll have of meeting just the right type of guys on Tinder.
4. Structure It Right
With your lists in hand, it’s time to move on to structure. You want to dedicate about 30 words to sum up you and 15 to 20 to let guys know what you’re looking for. It’s time to do some serious word chopping, to condense your lists without losing the content.
The key is to allude to things, rather than actually talk about them. This doesn’t mean leaving things out, but rather summing up the most important, in two to four words. This gives guys lots of details, while leaving a bit of mystery to get curious about.
Let’s say your list about yourself has points like you love to travel, are an entrepreneur, go to festivals, enjoy theatre, love cycling, movies and surfing. Here’s an example of a specific, interesting profile:
Not a 9-5 girl. Musical Theatre! Soundwave (RIP) and Bluesfest (emoji). Xfit and Le Tour wannabe. Chick flicks make me happy. Timezone > Dinner + Movie. Dachery’s (Cloudland), Surfing (Byron Bay) and the Brandenburg Gate (Berlin).
Then, you have about 15 words to describe the traits you want in a man, like someone who’s kind, career driven and doesn’t take themselves too seriously. That could read like:
Men who can laugh at themselves + value health. Character > Career. Generosity is sexy. Introduce yourself!
The call to action is important, to make it easy for that special guy to start a convo!
5. Think Carefully About Your Photos
You’ve got a kickass bio in place, so get ready to think carefully about the photos you put up. By all means, use ones you love and that represent what you’re about, but know that Tinder is primarily based on visuals, so your choices are going to speak volumes.
Using more than one image is a good idea, to show a few different versions of you. Plus, if you only use one shot with a filter from Instagram, or a photo-shopped modelling pic, your profile might be mistaken for a fake account. They’re plenty of them.
Choose your favourites based on the fact that you look happy or you’re doing something you love. If you’re not into makeup and dressing up, know that there are a lot of men wading through ‘posed’ selfies looking for a natural beauty to stand out from the pouty fake fish lips.
If you’ve got a hot picture showing a lot of cleavage, leg or you’re in a bikini, by all means go for gold. Just be prepared for the extra attention this’ll receive and the different types of guys and consequent messages the photos may attract.
In terms of ‘not to do’s’, it stands to reason that a picture with your ex or any other guy, for that matter, isn’t going to go down as well.
6. Don’t Take Tinder Too Seriously
When you’re doing your profile and interacting online, don’t take yourself, or anyone else, too seriously. You want to have fun, joke around and remain aware of the fact that everyone’s swiping right, or left, based on a pic and a few words. It’s a superficial tool for dating, not a test of your own popularity or appeal.
With a good bio using the tips above, most women on Tinder are picking and choosing between more than enough men to keep them dating regularly. Never take responses personally, whether you really like them or not. It’s a game, after all, and there are a lot of people who’ve mastered the art of playing.
If that’s not you’re thing, hang in there with it and you’ll find guys who are straight up about hanging out with you, in whatever way that is. While Tinder isn’t the best bet for finding the love of your life, it is an open door to a fun dating life.
Walk on through armed with your kickass bio and you’ll definitely make the most of it.