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6 Ways We Survived 1-Year Long Distance And How You Can Too
In this blog post, I share tips and strategies to help long distance couples stick together. Here are the five things that made the biggest difference in helping me and my partner bridge the Pacific Ocean and survive the 1-year long distance.
12 Sexy Sentences That Drive Any Man Wild
Want to drive him wild for you anywhere, anytime? These 12 sentences will send him into a tailspin of desire…
How To Stop Liking A Guy – 7 Simple Steps To Get Him Out Of Your Head
Sometimes, it’s not about getting the guy to like you… It’s about getting you, to stop liking him.
7 Surprising Reasons You’re Lucky To Be Single
As a dating coach, many women come to me unhappy with the fact they’re currently single. The problem? People are at their most attractive when they’re happy right where they are. That’s why, in this week’s blog post, I discuss 7 big reasons to appreciate single life while you have it.
8 Simple Ways To Improve Your Flirting
Flirting comes more naturally to some women than others. Flirting, though, it just like an other skill. It’s something every woman can practice and master…
What To Do When He Doesn’t Text Back
Struggling to know what to do when the guy you like doesn’t respond to your PERFECTLY good text? Here’s what you need to do next…
7 Completely Invalid Reasons To Talk To Your Ex Post Breakup
It’s over. Whether he broke it off with you or whether you called it quits, he now wants nothing more to do with you. And you feel horrible. Maybe you want him back. Maybe you don’t, but you still feel like there is a stone left unturned. Whatever your circumstances,...
How To Make Him Want A Relationship With You
How do you balance showing a guy what a great girlfriend you’d make, without giving it all away? In this week’s blog post, I explain the healthy balance that means you won’t have to resort to playing hard to get.
How To Tell Him What You Want In Bed
It’s no secret that to the male ego, sex can be a sensitive topic. So how do you encroach on the subject when you’re feeling like it’s not all there for you in the bedroom? In this week’s blog post, I show you the process I teach to my clients to perform this tricky task.
Is This One Attitude Ruining Your Dating Life
This one attitude could be silently sabotaging your success…
How To Make A Man Want You – By Being Naturally Challenging
If it seems too good to be true – it usually is. From the roots of biology comes a dating dilemma that is more relevant today than ever. How do you challenge a man and make him want you without playing hard to get?..
5 Simple Surprises Your Man Will Love
Contrary to popular belief, food and fornication alone will not leave a man feeling truly loved. In this weeks blog post, I share 5 simple ways to make your man feel loved every day…
How To Impress A Guy – 12 Ways To Impress Him
Would you commit to guy who didn’t impress you? I’d sure hope not. Well, it’s the same for a man. Men commit to women that stand out and impress them. So here’s 12 ways to do just that…
6 Sexy Bedroom Additions Men Love
Want to send your man wild in the bedroom? These 6 additions to your love making experience might just push him over the edge…
7 Signs He’s Just Not That Into You
Struggling to read the signs of men? In this week’s blog post, I’m discussing 7 of the most obvious signs that he’s just not that into you…
How To Beat The Odds In Modern Dating
After reading numerous viral articles about the state of modern dating, I thought it was high time I wrote about what it takes to beat the odds.
The 12 Worst Things To Say On A First Date
Want to have great first dates? Then these are topics you should probably avoid…
How to Get A Guy to Approach You
When it comes to meeting men, many women feel like they have to sit back and let the guys decide. In this weeks blog post, I talk about a secret that only the best female flirts know. That they’re the real puppet masters when it comes to meeting men…
The 7 Biggest Mistakes Women Make In Dating
I’ve been coaching 1-on-1 for several years, so from that, and all my years dancing, here’s the 7 biggest mistakes I see women make regularly in dating…
6 Bedroom Mindsets That Make Men Go Wild
Great sex and being the woman of his dreams starts well before you enter the bedroom. In this week’s article, I describe 6 mindsets to sex that will not only make your man feel great – but that will see him wanting to come back and please you over and over again…
10 Reasons The Forgotten Phone Call Is The Best Kept Secret In Dating
The humble phone call is the ‘stone age’ medium that solves many of the modern woman’s dating dilemma’s. From the convenience and safety of your own home, you can take an enormous leap forward in finding and attracting Mr ‘Right for you’…