When you like a guy, how much do you think about him? Chances are it’s a lot, right? The easy answer to ‘how to instantly tell if a guy likes you’, is that you’re on his mind all the time too! The not so easy part is determining whether or not your new guy is thinking...
Are you a single mum, and just hearing the sentence, ‘getting out on dates’ makes you cringe? You’re in the right place. In part one of this series, we covered busting negative beliefs, gaining self-confidence and making your love life a priority. With this...
There’s no doubt about it, getting a man to open up and share his feelings can feel like you’re emotionally banging your head against a brick wall. Even if a small crack appears on the surface, he’s likely to run away from the conversation before it gets too deep....
“I need some space for myself,” he said. These six little words usually arrive out of the blue and plunge you into a world of confusion. What’s your next move? First of all, don’t panic. There are plenty of good reasons why your man might need space and it...
There’s never an excuse for cheating, but there is always a reason. We’ve recently covered why men cheat and the factors that play a part, including fear of loss, genetics and upbringing, values and impulsivity. The biggest element, though, warrants further...
Are you, like many of us, ‘trigger happy’ with text messages? While it’s a fun, fairly spontaneous type of communication with your friends, there are certain texting sins that can make or break your relationship with a new guy. It’s truly amazing how just a few little...