First of all, doing so leads to unlimited chances for happiness for yourself, most importantly. Secondly, a woman with her own life, hobbies, interests and the self-confidence to match, attracts men like the proverbial bees to honey.
Ready to get started? Here’s how to do it.
10. Practice Self-Care
Practicing self-care isn’t about wearing the latest fashion, having perfect hair or getting your nails done every week. It’s about looking after your state of mind so that you naturally project a glowing vibe. This, in turn, really does have an astounding effect on your physical appearance. Think about people who spend a lot of time frowning and worrying. You can see it on their faces, right? On the flip side, those that smile and laugh all the time have that twinkle in the eye we all know and love.
Make time to nurture yourself every day and you’ll soon find your state of mind reflects the results. Have a bubble bath, binge on chocolate, indulge in a Netflix marathon or dance around the house to your favourite tunes. Join a yoga or meditation class and focus on mindfulness and gratitude. When you’re in a bad mood, this helps you to learn how to relax, so you can easily deal with stress. Though men like to help their partners, they also love women who can confidently tackle their own battles.
9. Look After Your Health
Looking after your health is important because it shows men that you respect yourself. You don’t have to be super skinny or enter a bodybuilding comp either. When you own your body as it is, then take care of it by exercising and eating healthy foods, you’ll always look and feel your best. Oh, and maybe keep it to less than seven bottles of wine a week.
This helps you project confidence, not to mention setting you up for a life with less risk of health problems. And, no doubt you expect the same in the man for you. At the end of the day, it makes sense that when you respect yourself this way, you attract respect from men.
8. Cultivate Your Social Circle
Have you ever had one of those friends who fell in love and you never saw them again? You don’t want to be that girl. Further to that, it’s not something quality men find attractive unless they’ve got some serious issues. Your friends round out your life with variety, support, fun and common interests.
They deserve time and effort, as much as romantic relationships do. Value your mates, have their backs and know that when things change in your love life, they’re the ones who’ll still be around. When you have your girl’s nights out or weekends away, the right man will love your sense of independence, the fact that you’ve got loyal people in your life and the excitement your adventures make him feel.
7. Maintain Strong Boundaries
Before you go into a relationship, take some time to consider your own boundaries. This means acknowledging what’s acceptable to you and what isn’t, in terms of behaviour, opinions and even habits that might be detrimental to you.
“Letting yourself get treated badly or walked over actually pushes men away or leads them towards doing more of what you don’t like.”
Letting yourself get treated badly or walked over actually pushes men away or leads them towards doing more of what you don’t like. It’s never, ever worth it. With your own boundaries firmly in place, you’ll attract high-quality men who’ll respect you for sticking to your guns.
6. Embrace Your Femininity

Lose yourself in the moment doing what you love.
Embracing your femininity is all about letting yourself flow in directions that feel totally natural to you. Forget about what the media, society or anyone in your life says and act based on your authentic urges.This means fulfilling yourself moment to moment, by doing what you want to do and respecting your own feelings and emotions.
Feel like painting? Get out the brushes. Need to have a good cry? Grab the tissues and go for it. Choose clothes that represent your personality or mood and make you feel free and flowing, rather than restricted. Men love feminine women, but this doesn’t mean you have to be ‘girly’ if you’d rather go dirt biking. It just means allowing your inner goddess freedom to breathe, in whatever way she likes.
5. Have Goals
Goals keep inspiration for life alive because they give you a reason to jump out of bed in the morning and seize the day! You can imagine, also, how attractive this quality is to men when they get to think about joining the exciting future you’re manifesting for yourself. The key is, to only consider things you truly want to do, rather than what you think you ‘should’ do.
Write a bucket list of your dreams. Perhaps you can’t wait to travel the world, get promoted to CEO or speak fluent Japanese. Or, maybe you want to find out how to make sushi, ride a motorbike or read 50 personal development books in a couple of months. Map out plans for how and when you’re going to achieve goals and don’t let fear hold you back. Remember that the time to do what you love is always right now.
4. Own Your Quirks
We all have certain quirks that make us individuals. The problem is when we feel different from others we often try to hide all those interesting aspects of ourselves, rather than embrace them.
If you’re hiding an addiction to computer games, a habit of singing badly in the shower or the fact that you like a band everyone else loves to hate, it’s time to come out of the closet. Be proud of who you are and know that, even if certain quirks are annoying to some, they’ll be adorable to others – including men who’re just right for you.
3. Build A Life For You
No one escapes the inevitable opinions of parents, teachers, friends and society at large. Maybe you wanted to be a pro surfer, but your parents pushed you into law school. Perhaps you’ve dated a guy you really connected with, but your friends didn’t like him because he loves intellectual conversation and all they want to do is play drinking games at the pub.
Whether it’s your career, hobbies or what you do on the weekends, it’s always your decision. No one can force you to do anything you don’t want to do, nor are they actually living your life. Always remember that other people generally advise you based on their own likes and dislikes, not yours. It doesn’t make their advice very relevant when you think about it that way, does it?
2. Raise Your Self-Esteem
Self-esteem issues are so tough to deal with because most of us think our confidence comes from external situations, rather than what we feel inside. You might be surprised to know that self-esteem has absolutely nothing to do with a big house, a hot boyfriend, a nice car or a brag-worthy career.
It’s about how you see yourself, and nothing else. To get to the bottom of your own issues, start by being brutally honest with yourself. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are you happy with? What don’t you like? Following this, forgive yourself your flaws, move on and aim to push your comfort zone towards increasing the things you love about yourself.
As clichéd as it may sound, you really do have to love yourself to give and receive love. When you do, high-quality men will appear in your life, no matter what it is you do, have or choose to wear.
1. Take Responsibility
Finally, in order to raise your self-esteem, you need to take full responsibility for your own life. At first, this might seem like an overwhelming idea. After all, you’ve got a boss dictating your schedule and days off, a nagging parent, bills to pay and no time to get to the gym.
But, is this really true? And, how much of it makes you truly happy? Can you change things? The answer is, resoundingly, yes! It’s time to start making decisions that will lead to a more positive life. You’re never really stuck until you’re on your deathbed.
Next time you back out of making a decision that will improve your life, no matter how scary, it pays to remember that the one thing we all have in common, is that we’ll die. Don’t view life like there’s always a tomorrow, or that things have to line up perfectly to make a risky move. Again, the time to do what you love is always right now.
A woman who embraces life to the full, on her own terms and in her own unique way, is unfailingly attractive to men. This means, that when you commit to living your own ultimate exciting life, you’ll have your pick of the bees forever.