You can find happiness with some narcissistic men. But if you’ve ever had your heart broken by a guy who always put himself first, you’ll know how likely unhappiness is when you choose this type of man. Relationships ultimately break up, because one or both partner’s...
Is he just being friendly, or does he want more? Figuring out the intentions of a guy you’re talking to can sometimes feel like deciphering Morse-code. You figured he was just being friendly, but the more you spend time together, the more you suspect...
“It’s because you slept with him too soon.” That’s the reason your friends tell you he flaked. But it’s not the real reason. The sooner you realise it, the sooner you’ll stop it happening again. I find this surprises a lot of women, so let me explain. A...
Ever been left bewildered by a partner, who seemed to perceive the exact same situation differently to you? I don’t mean he had a different opinion about it. I mean his senses literally seemed to take it in differently? Pots in the kitchen clang in the background. You...
Everybody’s scared. You are. I am. Everybody. Anyone that tells you progress comes without fear has either made no progress – or is lying. The difference between success and failure isn’t fear. It’s two words. As my brand, MakeHimYours builds, more people have...
What is it that really separates “a bit of fun” from “girlfriend material”? What is it that men notice that makes a select few women stand out as keepers? It’s probably not what you think. Here’s the unedited truth about the top 10 things men really notice about you....