There’s never an excuse for cheating, but there is always a reason. We’ve recently covered why men cheat and the factors that play a part, including fear of loss, genetics and upbringing, values and impulsivity. The biggest element, though, warrants further...
Are you, like many of us, ‘trigger happy’ with text messages? While it’s a fun, fairly spontaneous type of communication with your friends, there are certain texting sins that can make or break your relationship with a new guy. It’s truly amazing how just a few little...
You like him. He seems to like you. You text him. He doesn’t text you. Now what? It may seem like a minor point, but in the first few weeks of dating, these minor interactions matter. Men read these subtle situations and without knowing it, sense how you value...
It’s a regular occurrence that I find myself talking to bewildered women stuck trying to decipher signs from men. “He touches me a lot when we’re together, but not when we’re around other people,” “He texts me every day, but doesn’t come over much,” “He’s says he’s...
You know something is off. Perhaps, it’s his mood swings of late. Perhaps, you feel like he’s withdrawn, or is hiding something. Or maybe, you can’t put your finger on exactly what it is, but your intuition is telling you something is amiss. You’ve tried to push the...
Everybody’s scared. You are. I am. Everybody. Anyone that tells you progress comes without fear has either made no progress – or is lying. The difference between success and failure isn’t fear. It’s two words. As my brand, MakeHimYours builds, more people have...