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How To Build and Maintain Healthy Boundaries
Does the idea of speaking up for yourself with your family, friends, dates, or co-workers create a feeling of anxiety or dread in you? When we ignore (and give others permission to ignore) our wants and needs for a long time, eventually, we’ll either explode in anger or turn that anger inward, which causes depression. It doesn’t have to always be this way. If you’re ready to start building stronger, healthier boundaries, there are a couple of things to answer: First, decide: Which boundary areas of my life are most affected?
How to Keep the Spark Alive Long Term
Early on in a relationship, the spark is a given and we barely have to do anything but look at each other, to feel its heat. Unfortunately, as time goes on, that heat can thaw to the point of careless disinterest or even outright hostility. This is how to keep that spark burning bright!
How To Make Him Miss You In A Long Distance Relationship
Whether you met him online or your partner has had to go away for a while, this is how to ensure he misses all the best things about you…
10 Signs A Guy Respects You
How do you know if he really respects you? Here’s 10 signs he thinks highly of you…
How to Do Friends with Benefits with Respect
Does a casual, no-strings attached relationship sound like a dream to you?
How to Make Your Ex Miss You – For the Right Reasons
Want to make your ex miss you for all the right reasons? Here’s how…
Top 12 Things Not to Say to a Guy
Want to know what NOT to say to a guy so you don’t send him running for the hills? Well, avoiding these 12 faux pas’ would be a good start…
10 Places Guys Love To Be Touched
When it comes to sensuality, we tend to think of women, rather than men. However, all those little touches, nibbles, caresses and kisses ladies love, also have the power to drive men wild. So, why limit yourself to the obvious, when you know how much he enjoys being...
How To Build Confidence In Life And Dating
Confidence. It’s something we all wish we could have more of. From job interviews to public speaking to leaving a great impression on a beautiful member of the opposite sex – there is not a man or woman alive, who wouldn’t love a little more genuine confidence in a...
10 Strategies To Get More Foreplay Into Your Relationship
Feel like foreplay is lacking in your relationship? Here’s how to get it back…
10 Things Men Want From You (That They Won’t Ask For)
Men aren’t exactly known for their communication skills, but when it comes to asking you for these, they usually shut right up shop…
10 Signs You Need to Put Yourself Out There More When Dating
Are you putting yourself out there when dating? Here’s 10 signs that you could be doing more…
6 Things You Worry About That Men Don’t Notice
Imagine adding up all the days you’ve spent worrying about details that might dramatically change your dating world. Think chipped nail polish that seems likely to destroy an entire outfit, or a tiny zit on your bum that resembles Mt Everest in the magnifying mirror....
12 Signs He’s Really That Into You
Is he really that into you? Here’s 12 signs he’s falling head over heels…
8 Secrets Of Successful Relationships Revealed
Getting all the wrong results in your relationships? Here’s 8 relationships habits that successful couples regularly employ to keep things at their best…
4 Myths About Love It’s Time To Let Go Of
Knights in shining armour, Prince Charming and Lancelot are fun to read about, but they’ve got a lot to answer for. In this weeks blog post, I’m discussing 4 childhood myths about love that are silently sabotaging your success as an adult.
When To Say I Love You For The First Time
The first time you say those 3 magical words is a moment with your new partner that you’ll never forget. But how do you know if you’re jumping the gun?
The Romeo – Is He Moving Too Fast For you?
This male dating type will sweep you into his web of romance. The problem? It’s the high of love he’s after, not the high of love with you…
How To Find Happiness With An Insecure Guy
If you’ve ever dated an insecure man, you’ll know how damaging they can be to your relationship. But how do you know if you should see it through or pull the plug?
These Common Habits Kills His Passion For You
This common relationship habit kills his passion and sees you asking yourself “where is the man I was once so attracted to?” Do you know what it is?
How To Get A Guy To Call You In 3 Simple Steps
Think men won’t call women anymore? Think again. In this week’s blog post, I give 3 simple steps (with examples) of how to get the guy you like to call you.