Let’s kick this topic off with something a man would never say: “I was really into this girl, she had all the qualities I was looking for. Beautiful, confident, passionate, she had her own life and was so much fun to be around. But, I lost interest in her because she...
Are you struggling to understand what men really want from you in a relationship? That’s not surprising, because chances are they’re not going to tell you! Usually, that’s because they’re just not so good at asking you for what they want. For example, maybe your man...
Social media puts the world and all its beautiful people within such easy access, it’s almost impossible to look away. If your man is constantly scrolling through Insta checking out hot celebs and liking his coworker’s bikini pics, chances are you’re feeling...
No matter what your age is, getting into dating can be an intimidating experience. Perhaps you’re in your 20s and just looking to get out there. Maybe you’re in your 30s and bouncing back after bad dating experiences. You could be in your 40s, 50s and 60s and looking...
Have you ever had a guy tell you he doesn’t want a relationship right now, or doesn’t like ‘relationship labels’, even though he says he’s not seeing anyone else? You’re in good company. Women, much more often than men, feel compelled to label a relationship as a sign...
Do you have a habit of getting played by men? If so, you know the guy. He’s the one who’s always vague about plans, hides his phone, only communicates on his time and jumps straight out of bed after sex, no matter how passionate it was. Getting ‘played’ can happen to...
If you — like the majority of women — have had a run of men who don’t respect you, don’t care for you or don’t put in the effort, then this book is for you.