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A Surprising Red Flag You Might Not See Coming
It might not seem like a big deal, but some of the most heinous relationship crimes –from resentment and contempt to physical or emotional violence, happen because one or both individuals’ nervous system(s) feel the need to defend an extreme sensitivity and associated shame. At ANY cost.
Why Healthy Conflict Skills are Crucial for Successful Relationships
Healthy conflict skills are a vital aspect of maintaining healthy relationships, especially in romantic relationships. Unfortunately, most of us are not taught these skills in school, and the only conflict we witness in our family growing up is either non-existent or toxic. As a coach for women (and men), I encourage my clients to learn and practice healthy conflict resolution skills from a young age. Here are some reasons why healthy conflict skills are so important.
Emotional Proficiency: Why It Matters and How to Develop It
Emotional proficiency is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage your own emotions and triggers, as well as respond appropriately to the emotions of others. It’s an essential skill for building and maintaining healthy relationships, whether in personal or professional settings. For women seeking a masculine man, emotional proficiency is especially important because you will be the emotional safety net in the relationship, in the same way he is the physical safety net.
Are You TOO Loyal?!? You Just Might Be…
Can a secure, confident, and loyal woman (one who men respect) filter out shitty men? If so, how could that take place? Does her definition of ‘loyal’ contradict YOUR definition of loyalty?
How To Build and Maintain Healthy Boundaries
Does the idea of speaking up for yourself with your family, friends, dates, or co-workers create a feeling of anxiety or dread in you? When we ignore (and give others permission to ignore) our wants and needs for a long time, eventually, we’ll either explode in anger or turn that anger inward, which causes depression. It doesn’t have to always be this way. If you’re ready to start building stronger, healthier boundaries, there are a couple of things to answer: First, decide: Which boundary areas of my life are most affected?
6 Ways We Survived 1-Year Long Distance And How You Can Too
In this blog post, I share tips and strategies to help long distance couples stick together. Here are the five things that made the biggest difference in helping me and my partner bridge the Pacific Ocean and survive the 1-year long distance.
Addicted To A Guy Who’s Wrong For You? Do This
I had a really beautiful client session recently that I thought I’d share on the blog. Perhaps you can relate to this client. She’s on a journey to better relationships after attracting more than her fair share of betrayal, heartbreak and self-esteem eroding connections. One part of her wants to change, while another part of her is stuck with feelings towards her previous (unhealthy) guy. Relatable?
How To Be His Priority Not An Option (5 Steps)
Do you feel prioritised by the guy you like or the man you’re with right now? This simple 5-step process will have the guy either stepping UP the way you want or stepping OUT (of the way) for the man that will.
How To Guarantee A Man Will Respect And Be Honest With You
Respect and honesty are two I hear all the time from women. You want a man to respect you, and you want a man to be honest with you. And why wouldn’t you?
The good news is, there are three simple (though not necessarily easy) steps to guarantee that you can receive these from a man, or men, consistently. Keep reading to know the steps!
DATING SUCKS! 5 Ways To Get Off The Dating Rollercoaster (And Still Find Your Guy ❤️)
Rollercoasters SUCK. They can be fun, but ultimately, they aren’t good for us. If any of your three core areas of life fulfillment become rollercoasters, you’re f*cked. So how do you get off the rollercoaster while still making the time, consistently? Here are 5 ways to get off the dating rollercoaster and still find your guy!
How To Know If He’s Emotionally Available For You
Being able to identify a man’s emotional availability and capacity during early-stage dating can help you manage your expectations and save you time and aggravation as the relationship progresses. Here are four things you can do to spot Emotional Availability in men.
Love His Imperfections… Or Leave?
There’s an ancient Japanese art form called Wabi Sabi that finds beauty and perfection in imperfection. When an object is broken, the cracks are filled with gold. They believe that when something’s suffered damage, it can be mended — and because it has a history, it becomes more beautiful.
How would your relationship change if you adopted the Wabi Sabi philosophy?
Your Biological Clock Ticking? How To Tell Your Date
How do you bring up on a date the fact you want to start a family soon without having your date run for the hills? In this post, you will learn effective ways to tell your date about your biological clock.
4 Stress Coping Mechanisms That Ruin Relationships | Which One Are You?
If you’re really serious about breaking down the coping mechanism you use most, make a list of the ways it actually weakens or undermines you–ways it makes you less effective at work, less connected in life, and less available for a relationship. Your true power comes from your willingness to embrace challenges and face your fears and weaknesses and use them to build your resilience.
Dating a “Nice Guy”? Do This To Bring Out The MAN!
If you’re dating a nice guy, and you find yourself wishing he could stand up for himself a little more, here’s how to help him assert himself more. Here are 4 things to help you understand Mr. Nice Guy and help you bring out “the man” in him!
Buddhism And Dating?!? Turns Out, They’re A Match Made In Heaven
Many of the notions central to Buddhism make for a more loving, vulnerable flow of giving and receiving with other people. If you’re keen to have a little more ease and energy in your love life, you might like some other key Buddhist teachings that instruct us how to relate better to others and ourselves.
How To Delay Sex (if you want to) Without Killing The Vibe
Learn how to delay sex (if you want to) without killing the vibe! You should be able to say, “Yes” when you feel safe and comfortable having sex and being able to say, “No” when you don’t. Here’s how.
7 Hacks to Save Yourself from Social Anxiety
Here, I’m going to share some simple hacks you can use to take the edge off anxiety. They’re not meant to be prescriptive for a full-blown anxiety attack; think of them more as gentle nudges to redirect your brain.
7 Ways You Allow Him To Love You By Acknowledging Your Shadow
Pay attention to the symptoms of emotional pain in your life. Give some self-love and let every part of you to exist. Self-compassion helps you to allow him to love you. Here are 7 ways you can “dance with your shadow.”
How To Help Him Be Emotionally Available
There is no “easy button” on getting a man to be emotionally available. It’s a process that takes time if you even undertake it at all. If you have solid clues that he has the capacity to be more emotionally available, there are some things you can do to invite him to open up further. Here’s how.
Dating: 4 Ways to Survive the Ride
I’ve said this here before: dating can be a lot like riding a roller coaster. Roller coasters can be a blast when you’re enjoying a day off in an amusement park, but they’re torture if they’re your dating life. Here are 4 ways to help you survive dating and have better dating results and experiences!