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Are You TOO Loyal?!? You Just Might Be…
Can a secure, confident, and loyal woman (one who men respect) filter out shitty men? If so, how could that take place? Does her definition of ‘loyal’ contradict YOUR definition of loyalty?
How To Instantly Tell If A Guy Likes You
The easy answer to ‘how to instantly tell if a guy likes you’ is that you’re on his mind all the time! The not so easy part is determining whether or not your new guy is thinking about you – so let’s discuss how you can tell.
How To Date As A Single Mum Part 2 – Getting Out On Dates
If you are a single mum and hearing the sentence, ‘going out on a date’ makes you cringe…With this preparation, you’ll swap that cringe-worthy mindset for one that’s buzzing with anticipation for things to come.
How To Help Him Share His Feelings
There’s no doubt about it, getting a man to open up and share his feelings can feel like you’re emotionally banging your head against a brick wall. Even if a small crack appears on the surface, he’s likely to run away from the conversation before it gets too deep. Here’s how you can help.
What to Do When He Says He Needs Space
“I need some space for myself,” he said. These six little words usually arrive out of the blue and plunge you into a world of confusion. So what should be your next move? There are four steps you can do right now, to bring him back.
How To Reduce Infidelity – 5 Ways To Meet His Needs And Make Him Keep Craving You
There’s never an excuse for cheating, but there is always a reason. We’ve recently covered why men cheat and the factors that play a part, including fear of loss, genetics and upbringing, values and impulsivity. The biggest element though, warrants further exploration. What is it?
Top 10 Texts Not to Send
Texting can be a fun and spontaneous type of communication with your friends, but there are certain texting sins that can make or break your relationship with a new guy. Let’s discuss the top 10.
“Against All Odds” – How I Made Him Mine!
An inspirational story from some good friends of mine, who, against all odds and “norms”, they have an amazing marriage. There are some great nuggets of advice in here that you can take, to find and keep the right man for you – regardless of what other people say.
Why Do Men Ghost?
‘Ghosting’ is nothing new, but in a technological age, it’s pretty easy to do. So, if a guy promises a second date, doesn’t show up and unfriends you, he can pretty comfortably disappear. The question is, why do it?
6 Tinder Tips for Women: A Guide to Creating a Kickass Online Profile
Before you get to the fun of swiping right, you need to create a kickass Tinder profile. Though it’s common to agonise over how to make yourself stand out and get noticed by the right guys – for the right reasons – it’s actually easy to master.
10 Ways to Make Him Crazy For You
How do you make a guy obsess over you? We’re not talking crazy stalker stuff, but the ability to conjure that feeling in him, that he just can’t get enough. It’s not about playing games, putting on an act or using manipulative tactics. It’s not even about batting your eyelashes, though a little flirting never goes astray.
It’s all about staying true to you, in order to make him crazy for you. Let’s take a look at ten ways high-value women do it.
How to Be Down to Earth (And Why It’s So Attractive)
Everyone writes that they are “down to earth”, but what does it really mean, why is it such a desirable trait, and how can you go about embodying it?
How To Maintain A Booty Call
Isn’t it strange, how sometimes we fall in love with our booty calls…and sometimes we don’t? Whether you know the guy you’re sleeping with isn’t the right one for you, or you just like things the way they are, it is possible to take control of the situation and maintain a casual status with your sex buddy.
Top 10 Ways to Build an Exciting Life That Attracts Men
Men absolutely adore passionate women who love their life. So how do you build a life that you love? Here are 10 ways…
Why Men Cheat
Why do men cheat? In this post, I outline 5 reasons why he would, and how to spot the player.
What To Do When You’ve Just Been Broken Up With
If you’ve just been dumped, these are the exact steps you need to take.
How to Spot Great Dating Advice
There’s dating advice coming to you from a variety of different sources, so how do you know which you should listen to? In this weeks blog post, I explain core guidelines to separate the good from the bad…
How To Get Closure On A Past Relationship
Without closure, it is almost impossible to get over past relationships. This is how to get the closure you need.
How to Date as a Single Mom
For many busy single mums, just thinking about going on a date is enough to make you want to curl back up on the couch in favour of sleep. This is the article you need to make it happen!
How to Turn Casual Into Commitment
Stuck in a casual relationship and wanting it to be something more? Here’s how you go from booty-call to boyfriend…
9 Advantages Of Dating After 40
For most women looking for Mr Right, age is on their mind. Whether it’s wanting to achieve a life goal before their serious relationship, wanting to meet ‘the one’ by a certain age, or simply the sound of a ticking biological clock, women are typically more conscious...