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Emotional Proficiency: Why It Matters and How to Develop It

Emotional Proficiency: Why It Matters and How to Develop It

Emotional proficiency is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage your own emotions and triggers, as well as respond appropriately to the emotions of others. It’s an essential skill for building and maintaining healthy relationships, whether in personal or professional settings. For women seeking a masculine man, emotional proficiency is especially important because you will be the emotional safety net in the relationship, in the same way he is the physical safety net.

Why Amazing Women Get Rejected By Men Who Can’t Match Them

Why Amazing Women Get Rejected By Men Who Can’t Match Them

If you’ve ever felt like you’re being rejected by guys who aren’t even worth your time, then you most certainly must be wondering how the hell you’re ever going to find a good man!

That’s totally fair enough and, sadly, a very common issue that women face.

8 Things Men Want From Women (That They Won’t Tell You)

8 Things Men Want From Women (That They Won’t Tell You)

Are you struggling to understand what men really want from you in a relationship? That’s not surprising, because chances are they’re not going to tell you! Usually, that’s because they’re just not so good at asking you for what they want. For example, maybe your man...

What to Do When Your Boyfriend Likes Another Girl’s Photos

What to Do When Your Boyfriend Likes Another Girl’s Photos

Social media puts the world and all its beautiful people within such easy access, it’s almost impossible to look away. If your man is constantly scrolling through Insta checking out hot celebs and liking his coworker’s bikini pics, chances are you’re feeling everything from a tad insecure to steam-blowingly angry.

10 Foolproof Ways To Stop Getting Played By Men

10 Foolproof Ways To Stop Getting Played By Men

Do you have a habit of getting played by men? If so, you know the guy. He’s the one who’s always vague about plans, hides his phone, only communicates on his time and jumps straight out of bed after sex, no matter how passionate it was. Getting ‘played’ can happen to...

10 Signs You’re In A Controlling Relationship

10 Signs You’re In A Controlling Relationship

 A controlling relationship tends to sneak up on you like a bad habit you’ve formed over time, but only really noticed after it caused real damage. Compare it to eating unhealthy take-out a few times a week, which doesn’t seem so bad at the time. However, six months...

How To Ask A Guy If He’s Single

How To Ask A Guy If He’s Single

Just thinking about how to ask a guy if he’s single can be pretty cringe-worthy. It’s often easier to talk yourself out of even trying, to avoid looking desperate. However, if you’ve just met a guy – or maybe you’ve known him a little while – there are ways to do it, smoothly and subtly.

How To Be Feminine And Radiant To Men

How To Be Feminine And Radiant To Men

Magnets only attract if they’re polarised and it’s the same with people. In other words, if you want to attract a man with a masculine core, you need to allow and nurture your feminine core.

Who Should Pay For The Date?

Who Should Pay For The Date?

You’re on a date, you’ve just finished the last sip of wine and the bill arrives in the middle of the table. What’s the right thing to do?

Toxic Male Dating Personalities – The Addict

Toxic Male Dating Personalities – The Addict

 Just as the word suggests, ‘The Addict’ is one of the most toxic male dating personalities to come across. Whether it’s toxic substances or behaviours, a man in the grip of addiction is second only to one who’s physically and emotionally violent. Second, that is, in...

How To Make A Guy Jealous

How To Make A Guy Jealous

If you could make a dollar for every time a girl typed the search term, ‘how to make a guy jealous’, you’d be living footloose and fancy-free on a private island, with a private jet. Why? Because, the sad truth is, that in the short term doing so can actually make a...

Master Modern Texting
Your free guide reveals 12 powerful texts that hit deep attraction switches in a man's mind.