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Why Healthy Conflict Skills are Crucial for Successful Relationships
Healthy conflict skills are a vital aspect of maintaining healthy relationships, especially in romantic relationships. Unfortunately, most of us are not taught these skills in school, and the only conflict we witness in our family growing up is either non-existent or toxic. As a coach for women (and men), I encourage my clients to learn and practice healthy conflict resolution skills from a young age. Here are some reasons why healthy conflict skills are so important.
8 Secrets Of Date Conversation Men Love
Being able to tell a story is an effective way to build connection and generate good flow with the person you’re talking to. Whether your story is happy, humorous, or even slightly tragic, here are 8 secrets of date conversation men love!
Should You Be Friends With Your Ex? Take the Readiness 7 Question Test
It’s normal to feel strange about your ex starting a new relationship. However, there’s a big difference between feeling a small tug on the heartstrings and heading towards devastation all over again. If you feel confused about whether you should be friends with your ex or not, these seven indicators will help to clear it up.
The Relationship With A Narcissist: What It’s Like And How To Handle It
If you’re in love with a narcissist, planning to be in a relationship with one, or wondering if you’re partner is one, then keep reading. This blog post will help you understand what it’s like to be in a relationship with a narcissist, how to handle it, and if it’s worth it!
How To Build Love Using Your Feminine Energy
You can be authentically yourself while creating the playful, nurturing, feminine energy a man’s spirit finds safety and reward in. This blog post will help you understand the importance of using your feminine energy to build love and solid lasting relationship with your man.
5 Things Women DO Need Men For
Previously, we delved into five things you DON’T need a man for. But, no matter which way you look at it, men bring things to your life that you simply can’t get from your girlfriends. In terms of heterosexual love and seeking balanced fulfilment in this way, we’re all in the same boat. Here are five things you DO need men for.
5 Things Women DO NOT Need Men For
There’s a fine line between healthy needs and looking to a man to provide you with things you can only give to yourself. If we’re constantly trying to plug into other people to fill a void within ourselves, happiness is nothing but a succession of quick thrills followed by head-thumping come downs. Check in with yourself to see if you’re consciously, or unconsciously, trying to source any of these five things from men.
How to Be Independent Without Pushing Men Away
So, is it true that men really do want the whole ‘damsel in distress’ stereotype in order to feel good about themselves? Men absolutely love strong, independent women. However, there are things women do that push men away. Here’s how to be independent without pushing men away!
How To Tell If A Guy Is Using You – 10 Signs A Guy Is Using You
Being played for sex isn’t much fun, but it’s a sting you get over pretty quickly. Unfortunately, being used for your love can last much longer and cut much deeper. So, before you go any further with a man who’s taking advantage of you, here’s how to tell if a guy is using you.
How To Spot A Player – Top 10 Signs A Guy Is A Player
If you’ve been ‘played’ more than once, chances are you’d like to avoid that smooth talker next time round. Luckily, not all charming men are players. It’s all about spotting the telltale signs to sort out who’s Prince Charming and who’s just using those silky smooth tones to get what he wants. So, before you get emotionally invested with a player again, here are 10 things you need to watch out for.
Men’s Top 10 Favourite Sex Positions
Turn up the heat with sexy secrets about which sex positions men crave the most! Here’s your top 10 countdown of men’s favourite sex positions.
How To Stop Caring What People Think
When we stop putting so much emphasis on what people think, it’s likely we’ll experience more positive emotional states. Therefore, we’ll suffer less from fear, become more capable of achieving our goals and, ultimately, live our lives with more freedom. Here are SIMPLE yet EFFECTIVE ways to help you stop caring what people think, so you can live your life to the fullest!
What To Do When You’ve Cheated On Your Boyfriend
If you’ve just cheated on your partner, your thoughts are probably running a chaotic race, going back and forth about why you did it, if you should tell him and what you’re supposed to do next. Here are the 5 important questions you need to ask yourself to help determine the destiny of your relationship whether it’s this one or the next.
9 Signs Your Relationship Is In Trouble
Usually, trouble in relationships starts long before the breakup. Here are the 9 signs that your relationship is heading in the wrong direction.
How To Talk To Guys – The One Thing That Builds Massive Confidence
Talking to guys is like learning how to ride a bike. If you don’t try or practice, you’ll never feel comfortable doing it. In this article, you’ll learn the one thing that builds MASSIVE confidence when talking to guys and attracts great men to you!
6 Great First Date Questions That Bond Him To You
In a first date scenario, these skills are the difference between awkward silences that make you want to run out the door and sparkling banter that takes things to the next level.
How To Date As A Single Mum Part 3 – Bringing Him Home
Have you found ‘Mr Right’ but are unsure how to introduce him to your family life? Read this.
How To Keep A Guy Chasing After Sex
Knowing how to keep a guy chasing after sex just isn’t as straightforward as you’d like it to be. If it was, the topic wouldn’t be one of the most common issues women face on the dating scene.
How To Keep Your Man: 7 Things You’ll Always Need In Your Relationship
Do you want to make your love last forever?
5 Surprising Ways To Combat Your Jealousy
What’s one of the fastest ways to sabotage your relationship? Consistently giving into jealous thoughts and emotions. While feelings of jealousy are normal, acting on them isn’t going to get you anywhere – especially if they’re unjustified.
5 Steps To Handle Dating Burnout
If you’ve ever said “I am SO done with dating!” then you aren’t alone. Here’s how to handle dating burnout.